Innan vi åkte till Thailand och Paradise Business Camp blev jag intervjuad i Radio. I torsdags ringde de upp igen och ville ha en uppföljning av hur det hade gått. Resultatet kan ni höra nedan:
Tack på förhand för att ni inte stämmer oss SR.
Mycket bra Tore, tycker du överträffade förra intervjun.
Genomtänkta svar och bra flyt.
Hälsa besökarna!
Tack! Tycker också att det gick betydligt bättre än förra intervjun!
Boysen hälsar tillbaka!
skriver:hallc2a8c3a5, hur gc3b6r man om man vill c3a4ndra det dc3a4r som c3a4r vitt med nc3a5n blomma eller vad det c3a4r ?assc3a5 inte det som blir rc3b6tt, utan det innnafc3b6r dc3a4r man skriver inlc3a4ggen. fc3b6r min sc3a5n c3a4r helsvart, jag vill ha den vit, annars blir bloggen sc3a5 mc3b6rk.. men iaf, c3a4r det nc3a5n som vet ?
This piece was a lifejacket that saved me from drowning.
This information is off the hizool!
Hey, that post leaves me feeling foolish. Kudos to you!
Articles like this are an example of quick, helpful answers.
Finding this post solves a problem for me. Thanks!
This could not possibly have been more helpful!
So excited I found this article as it made things much quicker!
God help me, I put aside a whole afternoon to figure this out.
Great article but it didn’t have everything-I didn’t find the kitchen sink!
God, I feel like I should be takin notes! Great work
This is way more helpful than anything else I’ve looked at.
If not for your writing this topic could be very convoluted and oblique.
Thinking like that shows an expert at work
That kind of thinking shows you’re on top of your game
Great article but it didn’t have everything-I didn’t find the kitchen sink!
Great insight. Relieved I’m on the same side as you.
I can already tell that’s gonna be super helpful.
All of my questions settled-thanks!
If I communicated I could thank you enough for this, I’d be lying.
No complaints on this end, simply a good piece.
If time is money you’ve made me a wealthier woman.
It’s great to find someone so on the ball
That’s more than sensible! That’s a great post!
I came, I read this article, I conquered.
All things considered, this is a first class post
I wanted to spend a minute to thank you for this.
Om jag var en av besökarna som Herr Marklund hälsar till (som jag naturligtvis utgår ifrån=), skulle jag gärna vilja bli refererad till som kvinna…. :P
Ingrid, ha ha, ja, men du var i badrummet just då. Bara Johan och Carl, som satt i soffan då, som hälsade =)
Kul! Hoppas kunna vara med lite längre nästa gång!